Our Company

We are devoted to bringing quality innovative products to the healthcare industry in the region through constantly caring for our customers’ needs and their patients’ quality of life. With a team of passionate and professional sales, we provide dedicated support and continuous education to our customers. 

Hong Kong

Rm 1606, 16/F Kodak House II, 39 Healthy Street East, North Point, Hong Kong  

T: +852 2833 9987

F: +852 2833 9913

E: medical@svsamford.com


11F-8, No. 141, Sec. 1, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan R.O.C. Postal Code: 11070

T: +886-02-2767 3270

F: +886-02-2767 3270

E: medical@svsamford.com