State-of-the-Art Laparoscopic Simulators

The LAP Mentor simulators are cost-effective laparoscopic training simulators that use innovative learning tools. Each platform is fully compatible with all simulation modules from basic laparoscopic tasks and suturing (with interchangeable suturing handles), to complete procedure training. The LAP Mentor platform enables constant addition of new modules.

More details

Only Simbionix Provides Basic and Advanced Surgical Simulation Training The Simbionix LAP Mentor stands out amongst available laparoscopic surgical simulators by providing a complete training solution to learners of all levels and across all disciplines including gynecology, urology and general surgery. Simbionix engages surgical opinion leaders, medical societies and educators in order to develop products with meaningful training impact. An ever expanding library of modules provides a curriculum for basic laparoscopic tasks and skills alongside basic and advanced complete procedure training. The system features 13 training modules and over 65 tasks and cases, including general surgery, gynecology, urology, bariatric surgery and colon and rectal surgery. Add-on modules are continuously being developed in pace with ongoing surgical advances, to provide the most value possible for the LAP Mentor system.


Lap Mentor Platforms Flexible Solutions:


-Superior Haptic Feedback

-Ergonomic design:

       -Adjustable height

       -Modifiable monitor position


The newly designed platform addresses all ergonomic needs essential for comfortably practicing laparoscopic skills and procedures including adjustable height and optimal monitor position to ensure maintaining an ideal posture and hands position for long periods of training.

A tactile experience of tissue resistance feedback via the surgical tools provides a true-to-life feel of performing laparoscopic surgery.



LAP Mentor Express


-Cost effective

-Height adjustable tower (optional)


-Ideal for team training


The non-haptic laparoscopic training system is available either as a standalone portable desktop platform or with an optional height adjustable tower, which includes a touch screen.


Lab Mentor VR OR

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